Payment for RMI access (G3344914)

Select the TOPIx Links Page to see TOPIx pricing.

Independent Operators and Legal Representatives can select one of the links below to purchase a TOPIx subscription

IO Employees are able to purchase the required subscription type by selecting the link above. Alternatively, you can contact your Legal Representative, who can purchase a subscription on your behalf.

Select Update User Options to edit your account details. Or navigate to your user options page by selecting Options at the top of the TOPIx Home Page under your username.

  1. In user options, select either Programing or Document Subscriptions.
  2. Select Add, then the required subscription type and duration, the cost is displayed.
  3. Select Next to see an order summary, and select Complete Order to continue. This will direct you to a payment site.
  4. Select Continue to make a payment and follow the online instructions. When completed you will be redirected back to TOPIx.
  5. You will have immediate access to the subscription type purchased.